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December 31, 2012 by rkcoil

Why this show is important to the Christian community…

Christianity teaches us to forgive and love no matter what, and warns us of what will come of us if we do not. Jesus himself taught in parables and that is what we believe Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, to be: a parable warning people of what comes from obsession and revenge. We understand that there is a concern with the violence of the show, however, we found that the show is no more violent, dark, or macabre than the stories from the Old Testament. These stories allow us to see humanity without the filter of perfection and teach us why God’s love and mercy is so necessary for our lives. Sweeney’s tale tells similar themes to the stories of David and Bathsheba, Haman and the Jews (in the story of Esther) and Lot’s Wife with Sodom and Gomorrah, themes such as obsession, revenge, and lust. We are attempting to create a production that highlights the underlying message of Sweeney in the same way that these Old Testament stories have for Christians throughout the ages.

– Olivia King and Kelsey Langness

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